DMC Market Gets to the Highest Point over the Past Decade, 66% Increase Monthly
According to the JWT rubber marketing department monitor, cut off the date 29th September 2021, The average price of the main silicone DMC market gets to more 62366 yuan/ton, compared with 1st September 2021 (silicone DMC average price of 37500 yuan/ton) , the monthly increase of 66.31%. Compared with last year, up to 250.37%. The price of silicone DMC nearly gets to the highest point over the past decade, worth to go down in the history of DMC.
“Dual Control of Energy Consumption”
On September 11, Yunnan province, southwest province of China, announced dual control of energy consumption policy. It is reported Yunnan Province recently issued a document, in order to strictly curb the blind development of high energy consumption, high emission projects, and strictly control energy consumption emissions, steel, cement, coal power, chemical and other industries will be subject to key control. Among them, industrial silicon requirements from September to December shall not exceed 10% of the output of August (that is 90% reduction).
What JWT rubber will do?
All the factory have to face the “dual control of energy consumption” policy, announce by Chinese government. No exception for JWT rubber, but we will use our manufacturing and purchasing strength to keep the prices stable for our customers as far as possible.
Post time: Sep-30-2021